Our Blueprints
Escaping the institution & reimagining church unincorporated.
Just Yeshua | Households of Faith | Family-Centered Ministry | Restful Intimacy | Priesthood of Believers | Out of Babylon
Just Yeshua
Church Undignified & Unadulterated
The church today is overflowing with profound theologians, world-renown preachers, social media influencers with more followers than the population of half the world’s countries, best-selling authors, and even Grammy award winners. But where are all the sinners? Where are all the John-the-Baptists’ and Mary’s, willing to give up the whole world in exchange for the greatness of soul that is found wandering the unpaved fields of the wilderness under a direct apprenticeship with the Nazarene Carpenter?
Did you know Yeshua offers Himself as a personal Rabbi to everyone who desires to know Him? The meek and humble-hearted Teacher invites every weary seeker of truth to come and learn directly from Him. Not from a class, a seminary, a leadership expert, a theologian, a pastor, or a church. As the Psalmist said, “You Yourself have taught me” (Ps. 119:102).
There is a great portion of the ecclesia today tired of the bread that does not fill, starving for the Bread of Life. We’re over it. Over building our own kingdoms, over religion, over performance and competition, over celebrity Christianity, over messages of four-tips-to-a-better-life, over chasing our own dreams, over the utility Christ who came to make our lives comfortable and successful, we’re over it all.
We want more. More Yeshua. The real Yeshua. Just Yeshua.
A pure, unfiltered, meaningful connection and ongoing intimate experience with Passion Himself. We yearn to be affected by Heaven in such a way that our worship is too undignified for titles of honor and stages of grandeur. A remnant exists that longs to surrender our entire lives as altars of fire in the fullness of Spirit and Truth, to where we can say with all conviction, “it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Gal. 2:20).
It is time we rearchitect church to where Yeshua the Christ is the Chief Cornerstone, not the speaking gift and personality of one man. With full understanding of what that means – that everyone who falls on Him will be broken and everyone on whom He falls will be crushed (Matt. 21:44). This is the fellowship of sinners: wounded healers, broken and shared, crushed and poured out, sharing testimonies of their great collision with the Rock of Ages as harps of the unknowable love and power of God.
This is church undignified. Church unadulterated by fame and celebrity. Where Christ is all in all.
There is only Christ, He is everything.
“Yeshua Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone…in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 2:19-22
Households of Faith
Church Underground & Untraceable
“The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid…The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid…” (Matt. 13:33,44)
The kingdom of heaven was always meant to be buried underground, hidden and untraceable to the human eye. God is a God who hides Himself. His holy mountain is found at the back of the desert. His church is a treasure of community called out from the world, but hidden in it.
Somewhere along the way we’ve traded hiddenness for crowds. Zaccheaus couldn’t see who Jesus really was because of the crowd around Him. Yeshua sought Him out and asked to come into his home. The Son of Man knew intimately what was in man, for that reason He always sought to avoid crowds. Crowds prevent connection. When He couldn’t avoid them, He escaped them. In fact, most of Yeshua’s ministry and miracles took place in homes, not the synagogues. He warned us that the synagogues were the place where His true followers will be scourged.
It’s time we rearchitect church to make it small and living again. Small bushels of grapes gathered together, scattered and hidden in the field again. The church was always intended to be households of faith, not large 501c(3) Babylonian corporations with ten campuses. The word of “corporation” comes from “corpse,” meaning “of the dead.” YHWH is not the God of the dead, but the living. Households are larger than a single family, but smaller than a small church. Living communities of neighbors who do life together, not large gatherings “of the dead.”
Imagine what the church could do if it were unhindered by buildings, mortgage payments (literally meaning “death pledge”), taxes, payrolls, cultures (traditions of men), programming, and budget meetings? Imagine instead of making sacrifices to serve the unrighteous money it takes to run all that, we were able to actually do righteousness and give mercy away freely according to the measure of grace we have received from our Father in Heaven?
Instead of limiting God to what man can build with a tithe and tax exemption, let’s rearchitect church to see what Yeshua can do when we offer Him our entire livelihood.
The way we do church today offers community as a side dish to the main course of Sunday service. But the time is coming, and is now here, where following Christ will cost everything. Many who take dominion for the kingdom of heaven and refuse to bow to the world will lose jobs, family, church, even be imprisoned or lose their life. It’s not something to be afraid of, Yeshua said we will be hated by all who are of the world. But we are going to need each other in a deeper, more supportive way than a cordial greeting in the church lobby on Sunday mornings. In the coming days the family of God is going to need to lean on each other more to endure the persecution promised, as many will not be able to make a living in the world without selling out.
Paul modeled what our ministry should look like when he said, “We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too” (1 Thess. 2:8).
Yeshua isn’t looking for servants in this hour to erect buildings, He’s tearing those down and building His family through set apart households of faith who decide for themselves, “as for me and my house, we will serve YHWH” (Josh. 24:15). Who love their neighbors as themselves in very extraordinarily ordinary ways.
We are rearchitecting church where community and family is the main course, not the add on. Bringing church back into homes and out of commercial buildings, where we can minister to names, not crowds. We need less exclusive green rooms, more inviting living rooms. Less stages of performance, more dining room tables of authenticity. Less private drivers, more shared donkeys that haven’t been broken in yet. Less sermons, more Spirit-led families of faith.
This is church underground and uncrowded.
Church untraceable like leaven in bread, decentralized and spread throughout homes. Something permeating, wild and all-consuming like fire. Something only God Himself can build.
“We were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children. So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives...”
1 Thess. 2:7-8
Family-Centered Ministry
Church Unprofessional & Uncontrolled
Beloved, we are not professionals. The gospel is not a field of science. The way we do church today has shifted our focus from modeling private devotion and hearing God, to training in public speaking and organizational leadership. We are seeking to raise once-in-a-generation leaders, equipped and polished to stand in front of the ninety-nine, instead of meek and lowly-in-heart sherpas who know the prodigal paths that lost wander and are willing to traverse the fierce desert landscapes of the human experience to find the strays and homeless.
We need to restore the church to family-centered ministry, not leadership-development ministry. We need more slaves willing to give their life as a ransom for many, rather than demanding a ransom to speak to many. Where families, young and old, minister together instead of being separated into different partitioned off rooms. Where 12-year-olds sit and share their wisdom with adults. Where friends and neighbors meet regularly to share their gifts, resources, and very lives too.
The Spirit of God is a Spirit of Adoption, not academia. Paul said to the church in Corinth, “you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers” (1 Cor. 4:15). God’s idea of church has always been a family, not a global brand and organizational structure. A place of belonging and belovedness.
In a family, there are fathers and mothers raising children in the reverence and way of YHWH. One day the children leave their father and mother to create a family of their own. It’s beautiful to sing about our identity as children of God, but God’s will for us is to grow up into spiritual fatherhood and motherhood in glory and virtue, raising spiritual children of our own. There is a reproductive call on your life that is to come out of your loving intercourse with the Bridegroom.
A parent cannot raise thousands of children. There is a limit, usually countable with two hands, on how many you can parent. It’s not as glorifying as standing on platforms in front of thousands, but it is more holy. God has something bigger in store for us than changing a generation – He’s invited us to participate with Him in changing bloodlines. Those who focus on a generation often lose the hearts of their own bloodline. But those who focus on bloodlines, will be the praise of many generations to come.
It’s time we rearchitect church to a family-centered style of ministry within households of faith.
We need spiritual fathers and mothers willing to leave the bright lights to host family dinners every week, raising spiritual children around the table. To listen to the activities of their week, to pray over them, eat ice cream with them in their heartbreak, and tend to the wounds of their falls. We need more who are willing to walk years with a few. To speak into them their identity as the delight of God. To show them truth. To buy them a Bible and help them learn to read it on their own. To teach them to pray and how effective the prayer of the righteous is. To prepare them to be sent out on their own and start their own family.
We need more exquisite lovers, undistracted by amassing followers or building brands, to stand daily on the porch looking out over the fields for the slightest dot on the horizon that signals a prodigal returning home, shoes laced and ready to race to them before their words of regret can escape their mouth and restore them into family.
Yeshua came to teach us that we can know Almighty God as a tender-hearted Abba smitten with too much love for us. As He grew in maturity, Yeshua grew up into the Father. “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). Let’s be able to say the same thing by growing up into the same image of our Heavenly Father.
This is church unprofessional.
Less preaching, more patterns to follow. Uncontrolled by an organization, family-centered and cross generational, with loving dads and nurturing moms, fruitful and multiplying in nature, begetting spiritual children through the gospel who honor them by imitating their lives in all sincerity and truth. For the kingdom of God comes not in word but in power and in love.

“For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Therefore I urge you, imitate me.”
1 Cor. 4:15-16
Restful Intimacy
Church Unhurried and Unscripted
The first thing God ever made holy was time. Specifically, a break in time. The Sabbath. Like a Good Shepherd who makes His sheep lie down, God created a sacred rhythm to life. A holy pause every six days to rest from our work, as a shadow of His covenant to us regarding His coming 1,000 years of rest and reign. What oxygen is to our lungs, so Sabbath is to our souls. To show how much He wants us to rest, He marked the Sabbath from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. Which means, after an entire night and day of rest, God gives us an extra evening to rest from our rest.
Mankind was made to rest in YHWH.
Somehow, in just a few thousand years, we’ve managed to switch the day He told us to remember, and fill it with concerts meant to draw, amuse, and keep crowds. Entertainment-focused services dependent on excellence and skill rather than a spirit of prayer and purity of heart. The accent of the modern church is marked by noise, lights, multiple showtimes, religious meetings and adrenaline-induced activity. Instead of restful, the Sabbath has become scripted, stressful, loud, and busy.
For those who serve, the way we do church today leads more sheep to rigor, not rest. Hours of practice and preparation, arriving early, staying late. Every time someone burns out, we say things like “ministry is hard, not all are cut out for it.” No wonder so many are emotionally exhausted, psychologically overworked, and spiritually malnourished. People should not have to flee the church to preserve their faith and sanity.
We were not made to perform for the Sabbath, the Sabbath was made to perform a replenishing in us.
It’s time we rearchitect church in way that reflects and honor God’s original design. Remembering the true Sabbath, by making our time together more holy, less hurried. Less spotlights, more candlelight.
For the soul survivors whose faith has weathered the institutional church, who are weary, hurt and driven away from the ministry, but still ache for the communion of the family of God, we invite you back to the table.
This is church unhurried and unscripted.
Spaces and rooms of restful intimacy that keep the Sabbath holy. Where community is a place of shalom, authenticity, and connection. A time to cease from work, delight in God, and feast with each other.
Where households of faith recline around the table at sunset on Fridays to break bread, read the Holy Scriptures, exhort each other and pray. Where we encourage each other to spend our Saturdays resting in worship and playing in thanksgiving. And afterward, to spend Saturday evenings resting from our restful play, in full gratitude and faith to our God who works for those who worship Him.

“For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest.”
Heb. 4:10-11
Priesthood of All Believers
Church Unknown and Unqualified
What church do you know of today that isn’t built around one person? The modern church has fallen into the ways of the world, measuring greatness by achievement, fame, and crowds instead of the way of the kingdom – smallness and greatness of soul. The kingdom of heaven concerns itself with making great souls, not great success stories. Greatness of soul requires a depth of dirt in our lives not fit to share on large stages or crowded church lobbies.
Our model of church today looks a lot like what our forefathers of Israel asked for in the wilderness, “Make us gods to go before us” (Ex. 32:23). Built around the speaking gift, personality, and leadership of one person, the way we do church tranquilizes and cages the most powerful force in the world – Spirit-filled Christians. Knowing the Spirit of God is a consuming fire, we play right into the playbook of the enemy for taming the untamable – entertain them and make them consumers. We gather 2,000 believers in a room around a screen, sit them quietly in rows and risers, and entertain them for 60-90 minutes before sending them home. We have created a generation of concert-goers following idols.
No wonder so many Christians today feel so unfulfilled. Many have walked with Yeshua for years, only to still be a consumer of milk waiting for someone within the incorporated (dead) church hierarchy to give them a platform and promotion. We’ve abandoned the priesthood of all believers.
The model is not working. We suffer silently in the pews aching for real community and authentic connection. Sword-carrying men are disenfranchised with no purpose and stay home to watch gladiator television games, while their wives “go to church” alone feeling defeated and lonely. We church hop thinking it’s the sermons or the worship or the atmosphere, only to find that the loneliness, homelessness, and dissatisfaction follows us everywhere we go.
It’s time we rearchitect church in a way that offers an upper room prepared for us all.
A space to minister the gift of grace that has been manifested in each of us for the edification of the body. Believers weren’t meant to be storehouses but channels. The Spirit inside you is a spring of Living Water meant to be shared with others.
The reason many feel so unfulfilled is not because we’re not being poured into, but because we’re not pouring out. God gives seed to the sower. The seed is His word. His word is the Bread of Life. When we seek to minister our gifts for the edification of others, God gives us His Bread to break and share with others. We feel full when we are feeding others. We need less sermons, more unstopped wells.
We live in an hour where God is eroding the division between minister and layperson, pouring out His Spirit freely on His sons and daughters and releasing the insignificant, the unknown, the wild ones into wilderness ministries. Forerunner ministries preparing the way of YHWH in the wild in entirely different, new, even weird wineskins. Those who are seen as a little crazy because Babylon and its materialistic ways are dead to them. Who don’t look like who we think God would choose or put on stage.
God is unleashing the non-religious. Lepers who don’t wear their assigned “mask” for their role in society and are too “unclean” for traditional church ministry. Who have battled real demons and been saved from themselves by Yeshua Christ, whose cries are not faux and fire is not forced. Former slaves, addicts, gays, prisoners of secrets and abuse, women and children. To whom, God will bring out those from the church and the world to them in the wilderness to make supplication before them because they see that truly God is in them.
It’s time we rearchitect church to unshackle the unqualified and uncompromising. Sinners with stories to tell of how they touched the garment of Yeshua and left everything to follow Him. For it’s the life of the prophet that is her message, and the weakness of the priest that is his qualification.
Come on Zion, arise from your slumberous pews and thresh! This is us – the priesthood of all believers, holy and regal. As you have freely received, freely give. Awaken O’ church, you are living stones, not dead rocks!
For all those who have a burning in their bones to prophesy, preach, and teach the glory of the gospel of grace but feel unworthy and unqualified to be an idol for thousands, who know they’ve been anointed with a gift but are looking for their space to minister it, not for price nor reward, but solely for the glory of the name of Yeshua the Christ:
This is church unknown and unqualified, untamed and unleashed.
Where an upper room in the Father’s house, large and furnished, has been prepared for us all.
Let the teachers speak the very oracles of God. Let the prophets herald the glory of the risen and coming Christ. Let the evangelists bring their neighbors. Let the administrators organize and lead. Let the musicians play. Let the Martha’s prepare the food and set the table. Let the apostles become householders. Let the saints pray. May all the world see a faith that is not in the wisdom of men but the power of God.
There is a manifestation of the Spirit of Fire in you, meant to be shared with us all. Fan it into flame, let’s set it wild again.
“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
1 Peter 4:10
Out of Babylon
Church Unincorporated and Uncompromising
“When viewed from the perspective of eternity, the most critical need of this hour may well be that the Church should be brought back from her long Babylonian captivity and the name of God be glorified in her again as of old.” - A.W. Tozer in Knowledge of the Holy
We have all heard our fill of sermons on “How to live and be successful in Babylon.” The invitation of YHWH to His people in the last days is not to learn how to find success in Babylon, but to “come out of her My people” (Rev. 18:4) lest we share in her sins. We need to learn how to live outside of Babylon, relying solely on YHWH and His people for our protection and provision.
It’s time we rearchitect church as a lifestyle design, not a building design.
We need more practical lifestyle training in righteousness and holiness. God’s people have always been separated out from the “citizenships” of this world, and transferred into a kingdom where YHWH is our King, our Judge, and our Lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22). We need a second and greater deliverance than the one from sin and death – the deliverance of our self and souls from the spiritual captivity of Babylon. Particularly, the self we re-present to the world. Babylon is the place of confusion, mixture, double-mindedness, and enslavement.
Yeshua said we cannot serve two sovereigns. We cannot serve YHWH and man. A royal priesthood, a holy people, requires a people trained to take the dominion granted to us in trust by God, and claim our sovereign rights to possess our own souls.
There is only one mediator between YHWH and man – the Son of God, Yeshua the Christ. Babylon seeks to re-place (anti-Christ = in place of Christ) Christ with other mediators who re-present us – pharmaceuticals, doctors, attorneys, government, judges, religious leaders, technology, artificial intelligence, etc. To fully come out of Babylon is a call to become sui juris, no longer being re-presented, but presenting ourselves to the world as “I AM,” taking full dominion over our lives, our families, our souls, our bodies, our health, our communities, our offspring, our self-governance, our heavenly and earthly estates, and even over the principalities and powers of darkness – in full glory and virtue.
The earth fights for the righteous, as she and everything in her belongs to the righteous co-heirs with Christ. It’s time for the saints of God to arise and fight for her. To stands in the gaps and breaches in the day of battle.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mark 8:36-37)
This is church unincorporated and uncompromising. The day of YHWH of hosts.
Where self-governing communities of men and women of YHWH, encourage and help each other take our lawful dominion, and learn how to practically walk in our sovereign authority in this world. Following the model of our heroic forerunners in the faith, by making it known to the world that though we may be found “in it,” we are not “of it.” YHWH is our only Creator, King, Judge, and Lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22).
The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place that is should come by observation, it’s within you. It’s a dominion. The right to be sovereign over the property rights to our soul. Church-as-a-lifestyle-design is a people of YHWH, who desire a better country, leaving the citizenships of this world, taking dominion, and building a heavenly country of our own. It’s Zion. A mountain carved without hands. A city on a hill. The light to the world. The Bride of Christ. The crown of His glory. The New Jerusalem.
We don’t “go to church,” we are the church. The called out ones. A peculiar people. A chosen generation. A holy nation.